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SoulSister: Blooming Within: "Nurturing the Soul's Garden for Spiritual Growth" 
Hardcover – May 27, 2023

"Blooming Within" invites you on a transformative journey of personal growth and soul renewal by the word of God. In this captivating book, author TiaMarie Arnold beautifully uses the metaphor of gardening to illuminate the process of cultivating your soul and nurturing the seeds of love, faith, and healing within you. 🌷


Discover the power of aligning your soul with the Holy Spirit as you explore the importance of removing negative influences and thoughts from your life, just as you would pull out weeds from a garden. 

With practical guidance and heartfelt insights, TiaMarie uses scriptures to encourage you to create spaces for positive spiritual fruits and blessings to flourish.


SoulSister: Sis, Just Rest

In this devotional, we'll be exploring the topic of rest and how we can find true rest in Christ. The world offers temporary rest, but only Christ offers a rest that is lasting and satisfying. As we dive into this devotional, we'll be reflecting on Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus invites us to come to Him and find rest for our souls.


This rest is not just physical rest, but it is a rest for our minds, hearts, and spirits. It brings peace and calm to our souls, even in the midst of life's storms.


So if you're feeling weary, stressed, or just in need of some rest, join SoulSister: Sisters Supporting Sisters, Inc. on this journey towards finding true rest in Christ. Download the Bible App and start the "Sis, just rest" devotional today!


SoulSister: Renewing Your Mind and Your Emotions With The Word Of God

We are three-part beings: Spirit, Soul, and Body. Within our being, the soul serves as the dwelling place for our emotions, will, and thoughts. Let's be honest, our emotions often dominate our actions and choices. In her book, "Soul Sister," TiaMarie Arnold shares her personal struggles that she has confronted within her own soul. Furthermore, she challenges readers to examine their own souls and embark on a transformative journey.

Over the course of the next 31 days, Tia invites you to join her on this transformative path as she seeks renewal, reprogramming, and transformation within her soul. She encourages readers to confront their distorted thinking patterns, resist the pull of negative emotions, and abstain from influences that harm their souls. How can this be achieved? By allowing the Holy Spirit to renew and reprogram your mind through the power of God's Word.

Goldie The Two-Horned Unicorn

Goldie is a two-horned unicorn who learns that she is unique and tries to hide her differences to fit it with other young unicorns. She learns a valuable lesson that the best way to live is to embrace her uniqueness and let her light shine.


SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of God

SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of God

10 Days

This devotional will take us on a 10-day journey of being renewed, reprogrammed, and transformed in our souls [mind, will, and emotions]. We are going to fast from wrong thinking, fast from giving into negative emotions, and fast from things that feed our souls anything unhealthy. How? By allowing the Holy Spirit to renew and reprogram our minds through the Word of God. 

SoulSister: LEAD


8 Days

Godly leaders don’t give in to the culture of self or this world, but take directives only from the true living God and follow the life of His son, Jesus Christ. Christ wants to be at the center of our leadership and development; character, compassion, communication, consideration, consistency, community, and the way we love, care, and serve others. Join us on this 8 day study of godly leadership.


SoulSister: Galatians 2:20 [A Study On Identity]

SoulSister: Galatians 2:20 [A Study On Identity]
8 days
Where we came from or what we used to be does not define our identity. Our identity is not in our past; our identity is in Christ. In this SoulSister devotional with TiaMarie Arnold, we're going to study Galatians 2:20 everyday with other supporting scriptures, so that when we face identity challenges in our day-to-day walk, it will be the scripture that flows from within us.

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